1/ Two-Folds

This project presents pairs of words with contrasting meanings and uses moving circles to provide simple visual representations.

The language we read and write is just one of our tools of expression. A word may not perfectly match or encapsulate the object to which it refers, and a single word may have multiple meanings at once. Moreover, within literature, we can often find words used in ways that imply different connotations than their dictionary definitions. There are also many forms of non-verbal languages, such as sign language, dancing, and body language.

This project was intended as a visualization of the meaning of our everyday language using only the elements of movement, speed, and variation in the size of the circles. In presenting such a visualization, I tried to amplify the visual's intuitive aspect and offer an abstract expression that would suggest meaning beyond the written words.

01 Positive - Negative

03 Recovery - Failure

05 Rise - Descend

07 Lazy - Haste

09 Tangible - hard

11 Warm - cold

13 In - Out


15 Horizontal - Vertical

17 Reality - Delusion

19 Awake - Asleep

21 Bounce - No Bounce

23 Magnetic NS- NN

02 Living - Dead

04 Slender - Bulky 

06 Noisy - Silent

08 Light - Dark

10 Tall - Short

12 Light - Shadow

14 continue - Discontinue

16 Concentrate - Expand

18 Visible - Invisible

20 Gravity - No gravity

22 Light - Heavy

24 Love - Hate