2/ the Universe

In my work titled The Universe, I aimed to represent the widest imaginable 3D space (the universe) in 2D using only the element of movement. Through this process, I tried to test the boundary between 2D and 3D. I also wanted to create very complicated visuals using very simple elements.

The way that I perceive the world is as a chaos in which diverse individuals are all mixed up together. In this work, each circle represents an individual and the interactions between the circles⎯especially where there is some kind of contrast in size or motion⎯illustrates the relationships between individuals and between groups. It is as if many groups with different ideas have come together to circle each other and collide.

I see the world as an organic whole within which individual elements form relationships with each other. The meaning or significance of each element cannot be understood when it is taken by itself, but when it is seen alongside a contrasting partner or other elements, its meaning becomes clearer.

Hand Sketch
